15 Names That Mean Nine for Boys & Girls - HappyBabyHub (2024)

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15 Names That Mean Nine for Boys & Girls - HappyBabyHub (1)

Today, we’re going to explore the fascinating world of names that mean nine. Naming a child is a special and meaningful task, and many parents seek names that hold significance or carry symbolic value.

The number nine has a unique charm associated with it, as it holds various cultural, historical, and mystical references. So, if you’re intrigued by the idea of giving your little one a name that embodies the essence of nine, you’ve come to the right place.

7 Boy Names That Mean Nine


  • Origin: Japanese
  • Meaning: Ninth son
  • Pronunciation: KOO-roh

Kuro is a Japanese name that means "ninth son." It represents the uniqueness and special role of being the ninth-born son.


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Nine treasures
  • Pronunciation: NOW-nind

Naunindh is an Indian name that means "nine treasures." In Indian mythology and folklore, treasures hold great value and are often associated with wealth, wisdom, and abundance.


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Nine gems
  • Pronunciation: nuh-vuh-RAHT-nuh

Navaratna is an Indian name that means "nine gems." In ancient Indian astrology and gemology, the Navaratna refers to a collection of nine precious gemstones, each representing a celestial body or planet. These gems are believed to possess unique powers and bring good fortune to their wearers.


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Nine saints
  • Pronunciation: NAHV-nath

Navnath is an Indian name that means "nine saints." In Hinduism, the Navnaths are considered a group of nine spiritual beings who are believed to be manifestations of the Hindu deity Dattatreya. They are revered as enlightened saints and are associated with mystical powers and spiritual wisdom.


  • Origin: Ghana
  • Meaning: Ninth-born child
  • Pronunciation: en-KROO-mah

Nkruma is a Ghanaian name that means "ninth-born child."


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Of nine hundred thousand
  • Pronunciation: NOO-lak

Noulak is an Indian name that means "of nine hundred thousand." The name Noulak carries the significance of a large quantity or multitude, emphasizing the abundance and vastness of blessings.


  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Grandfather, ninth
  • Pronunciation: NOO-noh

Nuno is a Portuguese name that means "grandfather" or "ninth." The name Nuno has a rich history and is derived from the Latin name Nonius, which was used during the Roman Empire. As "grandfather," the name Nuno signifies wisdom, experience, and respect for elders. As "ninth," it reflects the importance of birth order and carries a sense of distinction.

8 Girl Names That Mean Nine


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Nine forms of worship
  • Pronunciation: nuh-VAH-dha

Navadha is an Indian name that means "nine forms of worship." The name Navadha signifies the practice of offering worship in nine distinct forms, representing different aspects of spirituality and devotion.


  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Nine forms of Durga Devi
  • Pronunciation: nuh-vuh-DOOR-guh

Navadurga is an Indian name that means "nine forms of Durga Devi." In Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga is worshipped in her various manifestations, each representing a specific quality or power.


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: The ninth
  • Pronunciation: NO-nuh

Nona is a Latin name that means "the ninth." The name Nona has its roots in ancient Roman numerology and the nine Muses, who were revered as goddesses of inspiration and creativity. In the Roman calendar, Nona referred to the ninth hour of the day, highlighting its association with the number nine.


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Ninth, grandparents
  • Pronunciation: NO-nee

Noni is a Latin name that means "ninth" or "grandparents." As "ninth," the name Noni reflects birth order and signifies being the ninth child or being born in a sequence associated with the number nine. As "grandparents," Noni carries a sense of respect, wisdom, and familial love.


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Nine
  • Pronunciation: no-VEM-ber

November is a Latin name that means "nine." In the ancient Roman calendar, November was originally the ninth month, hence its association with the number nine.


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Nine
  • Pronunciation: no-VEE-nuh

Novena is a Latin name that means "nine." The term "novena" has its roots in Christian tradition, referring to a period of nine days of prayer or devotion. It is a form of worship that involves offering prayers, often with a specific intention or petition, for nine consecutive days.


  • Origin: Hausa
  • Meaning: Nine
  • Pronunciation: TAH-rah

Tara is a Hausa name that means "nine."


  • Origin: Swahili
  • Meaning: Ninth born
  • Pronunciation: TEE-sah

Tisa is a Swahili name that means "ninth born."

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15 Names That Mean Nine for Boys & Girls - HappyBabyHub (2024)
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