Lucrari ISI realizate in cadrul CMI (2024)


Endometriosis – clinical approach based on histological findings C. Cristescu, Andreea Velişcu, B. Marinescu, Anca Pătraşcu, E.T. Traşcă, O.T. Pop Rom J Morphol Embryol 2013, 54(1):91–97


Phases of the cutaneous angiogenesis process in experimental third-degree skin burns: histological and immunohistochemical study. Cristina Jana Busuioc, G.D. Mogoşanu, Florina Carmen Popescu, I. Lascăr, H.Pârvănescu, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2013, 54(1):163–171.


Comparative study of microvascular density in experimental third-degree skin burns treated with topical preparations containing herbal extracts. G.D.Mogoşanu, Florina Carmen Popescu, Cristina Jana Busuioc, I.Lascăr, L.Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2013, 54(1):107–113.


Cerebral microvascular changes induced by rich cholesterol and saturated fatty acid diet in Wistar rats. R. Stanescu, M. R. Stanescu, Adriana Bold, Garofita Olivia Mateescu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2013, 54(1), 2013, Craiova.


Histological and immunohistochemical study of cutaneous angiogenesis process in experimental third-degree skin burns treated with allograft. Cristina Jana Busuioc, Florina Carmen Popescu, G. D. Mogoşanu, H. Pârvănescu, Liliana Streba, L.Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(4):1061–1067.


Macrophage response in experimental third-degree skin burns treated with allograft. Histological and immunohistochemical study. Florina Carmen Popescu, G. D. Mogoşanu, Cristina Jana Busuioc, H. Pârvănescu, I. Lascăr, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(4):1027–1036.


Histological and immunohistochemical aspects of cerebral vessels of the elderly. Andreea-Lorena Enache, Anca-Stefania Slujitoru, Irina Lavinia Pintea, Cristina Mariana Stocheci, Garofita Olivia Mateescu, Irina Gheorghisor. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(4).


Clinical and morphological correlations in acute ischemic stroke. Anca-Ştefania Slujitoru, Andreea-Lorena Enache, Irina Lavinia Pintea, Elisabeta Rolea, Cristina Mariana Stocheci, O.T. Pop, Anca Predescu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(4):917–926.


Correlations between intratumoral interstitial fibrillary network and tumoral architecture in prostatic adenocarcinoma. A. Stoiculescu, I. E. Pleşea, O.T. Pop, D.O. Alexandru, M.Man , M. Şerbănescu, R. M. Pleşea. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(4):941–950.


Bony metaplasia in a caecum adenocarcinoma. S. S. Mogoantă, C. Meşină, Liliana Streba, Anca Predescu, Garofiţa Olivia Mateescu, Gabriela Muţiu, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3 Suppl):827–830.


Role of innate immune receptors TLR2 and TLR4 as mediators of the inflammatory reaction in human visceral adipose tissue. Ana Marina Fusaru, Camelia Elena Stănciulescu, V. Şurlin, C. Taisescu, Adriana Bold, O.T. Pop, Ileana Monica Baniţă, Ştefania Crăiţoiu, Cătălina Gabriela Pisoschi. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3 Suppl):693–701.


Morphometric findings in avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Diana Kamal, Rodica Trăistaru, D.O. Alexandru, C.K. Kamal, D. Pirici, O.T. Pop, D. Gh. Mălăescu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3 Suppl):763–767.


Macroscopic and microscopic findings in avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Diana Kamal, D. O. Alexandru, C. K. Kamal, C. T. Streba, D. Grecu, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3):557–561.


Breast invasive lobular carcinoma: a retrospective clinicopathologic study of 25 cases. Maria Ciobanu, Irina Anca Eremia, D.Pirici, Ştefania Crăiţoiu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3):533–548.


Adverse effects of peg-Interferon and Ribavirin combined antiviral treatment in a Romanian hepatitis C virus infected cohort. O. Predescu, Letiţia Adela-Maria Streba, Eugenia Irimia, Liliana Streba, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(3):497–502.


Di Napoli M., Godoy D.A., Campi V., Masotti L., Smith C.J., Parry Jones A.R., Hopkins S.J., Slevin M., Papa F., Mogoanta L., Pirici D., Popa Wagner A.: C-reactive protein in intracerebral hemorrhage: Time course, tissue localization, and prognosis, Neurology, 2012, 79(7):690–699.


Chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia: clinico-statistical, histological and immunohistochemical study. Rodica Dîrnu, F. A. Secureanu, Carmen Neamţu, B. D. Totolici, O.T. Pop, P. Mitruţ, D. Gh. Mălăescu, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(2):293–297.


Histological and immunohistochemical changes of the myocardium in dilated cardiomyopathy. R. I. Radu, Adriana Bold, O.T. Pop, D. Gh. Mălăescu, Irina Gheorghişor, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(2):269–275.


Natural products locally modulators of the cellular response: therapeutic perspectives in skin burns. G. D. Mogoşanu, Florina Carmen Popescu, Cristina Jana Busuioc, H. Pârvănescu, I. Lascăr. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(2):249–262.


The importance of immunohistochemical evaluation of the vascular changes from the decidua and placenta in recurrent pregnancy loss. Maria Magdalena Manolea, Olguţa Alice Gavrilă, Florina Carmen Popescu, Liliana Novac, Garofiţa Olivia Mateescu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(2):363–368.


Collagen IV and MMP-9 expression in hypertrophic gingiva during orthodontic treatment Petra Şurlin, Anne-Marie Rauten, D. Pirici, B. Oprea, L. Mogoantă, A. Camen. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012, 53(1):161–165.


Pirici D., Pirici I., Mogoanta L., Margaritescu O., Tudorica V., Margaritescu C., Ion D.A., Simionescu C., Coconu M.: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in the nuclear compartment of neurons and glial cells in aging and stroke, Journal of Neuropathology, 2011 Dec 8, doi:10.1111/j.1440-1789.2011.01279.


Kambouchner M., Pirici D., Uhl J.F., Mogoanta L., Valeyre D., Bernaudin J.F.: Lymphatic and blood microvasculature organisation in pulmonary sarcoid granulomas, European Respiratory Journal, 2011, 37(4):835–840.


Histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects in chronic suppurative maxillary rhinosinusitis G. Stanciu, Carmen Aurelia Mogoantă, Elena Ioniţă, Olivia Carmen Timnea, Garofiţa Olivia Mateescu, Nina Ionovici, O. T. Pop, Irina Gheorghişor. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(4):1337–1341.


Pericytes and myofibroblasts reaction in experimental thermal third degree skin burns. Florina Carmen Popescu, Cristina Jana Busuioc, G. D. Mogoşanu, O. T. Pop, H. Pârvănescu, I. Lascăr, Corina Ivona Nicolae, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(3 Suppl):1011–1017.


The importance of tumor proliferation markers in assessing lesions of the palatine tonsil. Carmen Aurelia Mogoantă, Daniela Adriana Ion, G.Stanciu, Elena Ioniţă, Adriana Bold, Garofiţa Olivia Mateescu, O.T. Pop, Irina Gheorghişor. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(3 Suppl):1033–1039.


Angiogenesis assessment in experimental third degree skin burns: a histological and immunohistochemical study. Cristina Jana Busuioc, Florina Carmen Popescu, G. D. Mogoşanu, I. Lascăr, Ionica Pirici, O. T. Pop, L. Mogoantă. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(3):887–895.


Histological and ultrastructural analysis of the seminiferous tubule wall in ageing testis. O.T. Pop, Corina Gabriela Cotoi, I.E. Pleşea, Mihaela Gherghiceanu, S.D. Enache, E.Mandache, Graţiela Hortopan, R. M. Pleşea. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(1 Suppl):241–248.


Preliminary study of bipolar hip prosthesis – influence of acetabular bone interactions on bone morphology. I. E. Pleşea, D. Anuşca, Simona Bondari, O.T. Pop, F. Poenaru, V. Dascălu, Mirela Ghiluşi. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(1 Suppl):273–282.


Correlations between intralobular interstitial morphological changes and epithelial changes in ageing testis. O. T. Pop, Corina Gabriela Cotoi, I.E. Pleşea, S.D. Enache, Florina Carmen Popescu, M.A. Enache, R.M. Pleşea. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(1 Suppl):339–347.


Matrix metalloproteinase 9 levels in gingival crevicular fluid in patients after periodontal microsurgery for orthodontic induced gingival hypertrophy. Anne-Marie Rauten, Petra Şurlin, B. Oprea, Izabela Siloşi, Mihaela Moisa, D. Caramizaru, Mihaela Vătu. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2011, 52(1 Suppl):431–433.


Margaritescu C., Pirici D., Stinga A., Simionescu C., Raica M., Mogoanta L., Stepan A., Ribatti D.: VEGF expression and angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and morphometric study, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2010, 10(4):209–214.


Study of vascular microdensity in areas of cerebral ischemia on experimental model. L. Mogoanta, D. Pirici, O. T. Pop, A. T. Balseanu, Elisabeta Rolea, Rodica Minodora Dahnovici. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 51, Nr. 4, 2010, Craiova.


Correlations between the gingival crevicular fluid MMP8 levels and gingival overgrowth in patients with fixed orthodontic devices. Petra Surlin, Anne Marie Rauten, L. Mogoanta, Izabella Silosi, B. Oprea, D. Pirici. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 51, Nr. 3, 2010, Craiova.


Popa-Wagner A., Pirici D., Petcu E.B., Mogoanta L., Buga A.M., Rosen C.L., Leon R., Huber J.D.: Pathophysiology of the vascular wall and its relevance for cerebrovascular disorders in aged rodents, Current Neurovascular Research, 2010, 7(3):251–267 [IF=2.719].


Pancreatic metaplasia of gastric mucosa associated with gastroduodenal ulcer. L. Mogoanta, C. T. Streba, D. Pirici, Rodica Dirnu, B. Oprea. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 51, Nr. 2, 2010, Craiova


Immunohistochemical expression of growth factors in the exocrine pancreas of patients with chronic liver diseases. Garofiţa Mateescu, Maria Comănescu, Rodica Mehedinţi, Zizi Niculescu, Adriana Bold, Laurenţia Panduru, Daniela Cernea. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 51, Nr. 2, 2010, Craiova.


Margaritescu C., Raica M., Pirici D., Simionescu C., Mogoanta L., Stinga A.C., Stinga A.S., Ribatti D.: Podoplanin expression in tumor-free resection margins of oral squamous cell carcinomas: an immunohistochemical and fractal analysis study, Histology and Histopathology, 2010, 25(6):701–711.


Clinical and cytopathological aspects in phyllodes tumors of the breast. Anca Pătraşcu, Carmen Florina Popescu, I.E. Pleşea, Adriana Bădulescu, Florentina Tănase, Garofiţa Mateescu. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embriology. Vol. 50, number 4, 2009.


Acquired aplstic anemia: correlation between etiology, pathophiology, bone marrow histology and prognosis factors. Amelia Găman, G. Găman, Adriana Bold. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 50, Nr. 4, 2009, Craiova.


Pirici D., Mogoanta L., Kumar-Singh S., Pirici I., Margaritescu C., Simionescu C., Stanescu R.: Antibody elution method for multiple immunohistochemistry on primary antibodies raised in the same species and of the same subtype, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 2009, 57(6):567–575.


The involvement of metalloproteinases and their tissular inhibitors in the processes of periodontal orthodontic remodeling. Petra Şurlin, Anne-Marie Rauten, Garofiţa-Olivia Mateescu, B. Oprea. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology. Vol. 50, Nr. 2, 2009, p. 181-184.


Georgescu E.F., Ionescu R., Niculescu M., Mogoanta L., Vancica L.: Angiotensin-receptor blockers as therapy for mild-to-moderate hypertension-associated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009, 15(8):942–954.


Hypothesis of microfactures by buckling theory of bone's trabeculas from vertebral bodies affected by osteoporosis. Nina Ionovici, M. Negru, D. Grecu, Mirela Vasilescu, L. Mogoantă, Adriana Bold, Rodica Trăistaru. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 50, Nr. 1, 2009, Craiova.


Raica M., Ribbati D., Mogoanta L., Cimpean A.M., Ioanovici S.: Podoplanin expression in advanced-stage gastric carcinoma and prognostic value of lymphatic microvessel density, Neoplasma, 2008, 55(5):454–460


Immunohistochemical characterization of tumoral vessels in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cl. Mărgăritescu, C. Simionescu, D. Pirici, L. Mogoantă, R. Ciurea, A. Stepan. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(4):447–58.


Endoglin (CD105) and microvessel density in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cl. Mărgăritescu, C. Simionescu, L. Mogoantă, P. Badea, D. Pirici, A. Stepan, R. Ciurea. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(3):321–6.


The study of E-cadherine and CD44 immunoexpression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. C. Simionescu, Cl. Mărgăritescu, M. Surpăţeanu, L. Mogoantă, R. Zăvoi, R. Ciurea, P. Şurlin, A. Stepan. Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(2):189–93.


Annexin A3 expression after stroke in the aged rat brain. Ch. Kessler, Heike Junker, T.-A. Bălşeanu, B. Oprea, D. Pirici, L. Mogoantă, A. Popa-Wagner. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(1):27–35.


Immunohistochemical expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in intestinal type gastric carcinoma. M. Raica, L. Mogoantă, Anca Maria Cîmpean, Aurora Alexa, S. Ioanovici, Cl. Mărgăritescu, Daniela Lazăr, D. Izvernariu . Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(1):37–42.


Buchhold B., Mogoanta L., Suofu Y., Hamm A., Walker L., Kessler C., Popa-Wagner A.: Environmental enrichment improves functional and neuropathological indices following stroke in young and aged rats, Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2007, 25(5–6):467–484


The immunohistochemical profile of the adenocarcinoma of upper gastric pole. Cl. Mărgăritescu, L. Mogoantă, P. Mănescu, Cristiana Simionescu, D. Pirici, Letiţia Streba, D. Mercuţ. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 48, nr. 3, 2007, pg. 215-236.


Radiological ans microscopic aspects of the denticles. V. Deva, L. Mogoantă, H. Manolea, Oana Adina Pancă, Mihaela Vătu, Maria Vătăman. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 47, nr. 3, 2006, pg. 263-268.


Cytokines levels in prostate adenocarcinomas. Maria Bălăşoiu, Adriana Turculeanu, Carmen Avrămescu, Violeta Comănescu, Cristiana Simionescu, L. Mogoantă. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 46, nr. 3, 2005, pg. 179-182.


Electronic microscopic evaluation of the beta insular cells in type 2 diabets. Garofiţa Olivia Mateescu, Adriana Bold, Daniela Cernea, H, Manolea, Cristina Busuioc, L. Mogoantă. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 46, nr. 3, 2005, pg. 207-210.


Pseudo-tumoral lesions of the cervix. Cristiana Simionescu, Cl. Mărgăritescu, Claudia valentina Georgescu, L. Mogoantă, Alis Magda Marinescu. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 46, nr. 1, 2005, pg. 239-248.

Lucrari ISI realizate in cadrul CMI (2024)
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